
Showing posts from October, 2021

How To: Securing AKS (Kubenet) Egress with Aviatrix Firenet

How To: Securing AKS (Kubenet) Egress with Aviatrix Firenet AKS , or Azure Kubernetes Service, is Microsoft's variation on managed Kubernetes, similar to EKS (AWS) or GKE (Google). AKS has two CNIs for deployment - Kubenet  and Azure CNI . This article will focus on integrating AKS Kubenet with Aviatrix. Aviatrix  is the leading vendor of Multicloud connectivity solutions. "The Aviatrix cloud network platform delivers a single, common platform for multi-cloud networking, regardless of public cloud providers used. Aviatrix delivers the simplicity and automation enterprises expect in the cloud with the operational visibility and control they require." Firenet on Azure  enables Firewall insertion as a bump in the wire. Prerequisites Deploying Firenet on Azure is beyond the scope of this article. I'll assume that you have a working Transit Firenet deployment. Diagram - To be added Quick AKS CNI overview Kubenet is Azure's basic networking CNI. The only routable IPs ar...